Sunday, July 11, 2010

Super Busy Summer, The Journey Continues

Oh Where, Oh Where has Deborah gone?
Summer has been
super busy
around the

Pool time, Sunshine, Boating, Fishing, Family Time.
Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum
Kansas City
Justin Beiber
Des Monies
My Girls are his biggest fans...
Another trip to KC
to visit friends and family.
Deep breath.....
Studio time?
What is That....?
When it is sunny out and my kids are
not in school I find it hard to
get to the studio...
But, I have got to get busy
I have been invited by another
artist to share space at the
State Fair in Iowa
I am bartering my time working
in the booth for the
opportunity to sell my art at
the Fair.
 It is time to get organized
 and pump out some
 new art,
note cards
bookmarks and more.
Summer seems to be flying by!!!

Another Stroke of the Brush...
Still on the Ultimate Journey

Are there weeds in the garden of
Your Heart & Soul?
 Have you forgotten to tend
the garden of your
Heart & Soul?
How can you reap a
bountiful harvest if
your weeds are taking over the garden?
Your Weeds, so to speak are your past
hurts and pains.
The next step in the Ultimate Journey
Start pulling those weeds.
Glory  and Praise to a God
who will pull those weeds and
create in you a new garden.
A New Heart!
God's Words are the fertilizer
your garden needs to

Ephesians 5:1-2
"You are God's children whom he loves,so try to be like him.
Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and
gave himself for us as a sweet smelling
offering and sacrifice to God."


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