Friday, November 13, 2009

Petals and Gods Promises

    This is an original watercolor I created in 2009, titled Petals & Promises.  My inspiration was to create a harvest of petals and to remember Gods promise to harvest what I sow.  As I sow his words into my heart I begin to reep and see the harvest of his promises.  Sometimes I find myself busy reading every book out there witten with a christian perspective. I enjoy reading the works of other christians and find lots of truth and inspiration when I do so. Then the holy spirt corrected me the other day and I reminded me that there are times I needed to focus on the original work of Gods truth, The Holy Bible.  It is when we read the original words from God that our soul is truely nurished and fertilized. In order to hear Gods words and obey them , I need to read them and study them in their original text.
Mattew 8:24 "Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock."
To me the rock represents Gods words of truth and his promise of a solid foundation when we sow them into our hearts and obey him.
I am so thankfull that there are gifted individuals who read the word of God and seek to inspire others by writing inspirational lititure.  But, I am  also reminded of the need to get back to the basics and read Gods written words for ourselves.

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